Tuesday, December 3, 2019

ActiveMQ: Bridging Topics to Queues

Most recently, I had the need to create a bridge from Topics to Queues to create stateless services that can pick up messages in parallel. Essentially, I wanted to configure the following (in the message broker):

Topic to Queue Bridge
While there are many other ways to do this, I wanted to experiment with ActiveMQ support for this. The following is how I configured it locally (in my dev box):

Spring: Implicit Construction Injection

Over the years, Spring has made a number of enhancements to improve the developer UX. I realize some of these can be too trivial to notice. Today, I present one available since the 4.3 release (over 2 years ago).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lessons Learned using Togglz

Feature Toggles (a.k.a. Feature Flags) are a common way to test new features in a production environment. I started to experiment with Togglz as a OSS library to implement what I needed. For the purpose of my description, I used Spring Boot as it makes apps development simpler. Here are my findings: